What: Metro NY Tri State June 2024 Primary Integration Training
When: October 18-20, 2024 
Where: Brooklyn, NY
Leadership: Heisoku Maik Bain
Prerequisites: NWTA
Cost: $75

Primary Integration Training INTENSIVE

This in-person PIT is a fully revised INTENSIVE version of the Primary Integration Training that has been a
cornerstone of building and strengthening I-Groups for nearly 30 years. This version of the PIT contains the most
powerful processes and exercises of the PIT presented on a Friday evening, and all day Saturday & Sunday, with a
rich array of resources, reading, and exercises to keep you growing and learning – in multiple learning styles.

This updated version of this flagship for men’s groups is part of the series of trainings in the Core Training Series:
After the Adventure, PIT (Integration & Circle Skills), the IGroup Facilitation Training (IGFT), the I-Group Leadership Skills Training (IGLST), and Introduction to Conflict Resolution.

Embarking on a committed journey of growth
with a
group of men is challenging and exciting.
It’s a
tremendous opportunity
to significantly deepen your
and to build bonds of connection

that can last a lifetime.

What You’ll Get
• Look again at some of the transformations of the NWTA in a new light.
• Learn the full Framework for running a 4 round I-Group from Start to Finish
• Practice key I-Group processes in each Round:
Checking In, the Shield, Accountability, Clearings, the Work Round,’ and Closing the Circle
• Groundwork for creating a safe and brave space for including men from different backgrounds.

When: October 18-20, 2024 (Fri: 7pm – 9:30 pm, Sat/Sun: 9am – 5pm)
Where: Brooklyn, NY
Leadership: Heisoku Maik Bain
Prerequisites: NWTA
Cost: $75

Registration and for Information: Contact johnpaulgordillo@mkp.org
(If you have financial constraints, please contact Steve Schauer. There is room for you on this training.)

