MNYTS May 2024 New Warrior Training Adventure, new Brothers and Staff

Area Mission Statement

The Metro New York Tri-State Area supports a dynamic, thriving, and welcoming brotherhood that empowers men to walk a path of profound personal growth.

Through rich social engagement and practical educational trainings, we cultivate leadership within our members which embody resilience, compassion and purposeful living, aiming to  champion a legacy of integrity and authenticity that resonates far beyond our community’s bounds.


Comprising all of Northern and Central New Jersey, Southern Connecticut, Mid Hudson Valley Community, Rockland and Westchester counties, Long Island, and New York City, the Metro New York Tri-State Area is as diverse as one would assume having visited the Big Apple. From teenagers to octogenarians, Black, White, Indian, Korean, Jewish, Hispanic and many more, the men of the Metro New York Tri-State Area are arguably the most diverse MKP population in the project. We pride ourselves on our strong multicultural initiatives and assorted ethnic, religious, and cultural backgrounds.

Our current Area vision, under the creative leadership of our Stewardship Council, centers on the growth  of our community through the development of I-Groups and mentoring of junior and mid-level leaders to rise through the ranks to become LITs, CLCs, and Leaders. Another emphasis in our community is around recruiting younger Leaders to serve on NWTAs and Metro NY Tri-State Council . By modeling what powerful leadership looks like from Co-Leaders and guidance from community Elders, we intend for our growing “Young Warrior” community to thrive in their service as New Warriors within the organization and in their lives outside of MKP.